Wednesday, June 24, 2009

203 - Healing Shame #9

Many people tell me that getting a clearer understanding of when and where
they internalized their self-hating and shameful feelings has been helpful to
them in gaining more compassion for themselves more quickly. This clearer
understanding comes from doing regular shame readings five minutes per day
from the suggested shame book list and also by talking about possible times
and places they learned these feelings and self-judgments.

To comment on these Shame to Self-Acceptance emails click on comment and follow the instructions posted between 197 and 198 for your first comment only.


  1. I still feel anxiety and fear from my past experiences. I used to be a shoplifter from the alcohol sections of grocery stores. Walking out of these stores illegally was a source of profound fear. Although it was over 30 years ago, my body still feels the fear when the memory comes to the surface. I try to let it go like a bubble rising through some water. Pax vobiscum.

  2. You remind me that our brains can't tell time. I still have a memory from 35 years ago that when I think of it (I had shamed a friend and myself) I still feel some of the shame in my body. You sound as if you have more acceptance and compassion today.

  3. The journey continues!
