Monday, June 1, 2009

186 - Awareness brings choice.

When we think, say or do things that are hurtful to ourselves or others, we
are likely experiencing shame with or without awareness. Without awareness of
the shame we will automatically transfer this shame to others through
criticism, judgment and blame. With awareness we can notice, acknowledge and
even share the shame with someone who knows their own shame, thereby healing
it and avoiding the transferring of it.

1 comment:

  1. This particular shame note was something I was thinking about today. I noticed that I was feeling bad (shame) about myself because of someone else's perceived (my perception) judgement of me. Then my voice of judgement entered my head too and starting pounding me with shame. I thought about how we mirror each other, so now I am going to try to stay aware of this and not transfer my shame or pick up someone else's. Thanks ...something to ponder.
