Thursday, May 14, 2009

179 - Ubiquity of shame

Shame is a powerful contributer to all kinds of problems including depression,
anxiety, relationship problems of all kinds, addictions, eating disorders,
bullying, all types of violence including sexual assault, suicide, and
conflicts on every level. It truly is ubiquitous though mostly outside of our


  1. Keeping a journal and the ubiquity of shame go hand in hand for me. sometimes I don't even know that I am in shame, because of the lack of awareness, and in journaling, I realize that I have been carrying shame and reacting to it, whether I react internally or externally. When I realize this, I am now trying to practice compassion. Thanks

  2. I hope your practice is going well for you. Shame/conditioned mind can be so very subtle. I guess the miracle is that we sometimes are able to extricate ourselves from the shame. Good work.
