Thursday, September 10, 2009

257 - Criticism is a sign of shame

Feeling critical towards ourselves or others is a sign that our shame has been triggered. We are not to blame and neither are they. We are still responsible for ourselves, our behavior, our words, our feelings and our shame.


  1. OK, so when I am feeling critical of myself and/or others, my shame has been triggered. Then what do I do? So I talk with someone else and I continue to have a residue of shame left. I pray about it, I meditate about it, I journal about it, it has gotten smaller, but has not left. I am probably going to act out of the shame in my side,sooner or later because it is too heavy/hard to carry around. Therefore creating more shame for myself/others? signed frustrated

  2. Share it on the deepest level you feel safe to go with another person who you feel safe with and who can provide you with understanding, acceptance and compassion which is the kind of support we have always needed. I hope this helps you.
